About Us

Madison Design Company, located in Eugene, Oregon, is a full-service graphic design firm that has been in business for over twenty years. In addition to performing the traditional graphic design coterie of branding, marketing materials, illustration, and layout, Madison Design also own and operates a screenprinting facility, bringing their T-shirt designs to life, one squeegee pull at a time.
Another niche that Madison Design serves is architectural illustration and design, specifically in the marine science arena of aquariums and exhibits. Working with architects, engineers, biologists, and managers, Madison Design creates the artistic vision, and, to some extent, illustrates the function of aquarium exhibits. Some of the largest aquariums in the world have been designed by us, from international airports to Disneyworld.
By extension of our contracted help in the design community, Madison Design also offers photography, video, and animation services.
Contact us today to see if we are the right fit for any of your projects! 

We’d love to talk with you!