Bob Marlin. Marlin swordfish playing bongo drums

Bob Marlin. Just a swordfish named Bob. What?

T-Shirts: Gildan 100% Heavyweight Cotton in white or black. USA Cotton 5oz. S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
Sweatshirts: Hanes 90/10 Cotton Poly in ash grey or black.

Be the coolest kid in the block in our Bob Marlin, Critter Tees. Original artwork by Tom Madison.

Our shop is nestled in the foothills of Spencer’s Butte, surrounded by large ferns, rhododendrons and the sounds of nature. We print each shirt by hand and distribute them to other small businesses along the west coast of the United States, including Alaska.

If you are in the these neighborhoods and want a shirt the following shops 
carry a selection of Critter Tees:

Lex’s Landing, Gold Beach, Oregon
Seattle Marine, Seattle, Washington